Saturday, July 11, 2009

DAY 4: Friday, July 10, 2009

From David Lovelace:

Reflections on B033 Discussion: Today brought the second conversation of the whole for the House of Deputies on the controversy related to this resolution passed by the 2006 General Convention, which called on standing committees and bishops with jurisdiction to "exercise restraint by not consenting to the consecration to the episcopate of any candidate whose manner of life presents a challenge to the wider church and would lead to further strains on communion." The intent of the conversation was so deputies might listen to one another without political maneuvering.

I was struck by the careful and respectful sharing that took place around a very sensitive issue for many people. Some people are feeling frustrated that the Church is not willing to move faster and with prophetic courage. Others urge us to use caution and restraint when it comes to issues related to human sexuality.

What strikes me is that we are on a pilgrimage together to come to a better understanding of how to be loving and welcoming to all God's children. I am not sure legislation is going to solve this issue for the church. I believe the journey continues and we must be willing to listen carefully to one another. Perhaps the public narrative workshops at General Convention will assist us to hear one another's stories and to engage in a mission of providing justice for all people. Maybe those of us who are engaged in this process can return to our home dioceses to help all of us listen and engage in finding ways to be loving to all our neighbors.

From Legislative Aide Mary Amato

Editor’s Note: Mary has traveled with the deputation to Anaheim to participate in a vital way in this Convention – as one of the hundreds of volunteers who enable the wheels of process to turn smoothly.

You may nor may not be aware that General Convention is the largest bicameral body in the world. It functions the same as our own government does. Likewise, my Legislative Aide position is the same as it would be in our Congress. As a committee meets, the Legislative Aide assists in variety of ways as a support person. But my most important responsibility is to allow the committee to focus on their work and not on the tedious jobs of submitting the necessary paperwork for meeting postings, committee reports etc. As an aide, I have been asked to do such things as type meeting minutes, and follow-up on committee reports and responses back from the House of Bishops. I work closely with the officers of the committee.

This is my third convention serving in this capacity. Beyond enjoying the work as a Legislative Aide, I have learned much from the committee I am serving, Church In Small Communities. I have heard some powerful stories about the struggles, successes, and ongoing ministry in small churches throughout our own Episcopal Church.

From Diocesan ECW President Amy Swiernik:

Barbara Brinton, Bonnie Chambers and I have made it to California and have been busy the last few days.

The ECW Opening Celebration took place Wednesday afternoon, with President Kay Meyer officially opening the meeting for the 88 dioceses represented, with a total of 284 voting delegates present. The Presiding Bishop spoke to encourage and thank the women of the church for their integral part in the Anglican communion. The ECW welcoming dinner in the evening was highlighted with a wonderful play on the history of the ECW. We will be bringing home copies of the play that can be shared with the entire Diocese.

On Thursday, Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams addressed the ECW, and he further emphasized the importance of the work being done around the world by the Women of the communion. After the Archbishop spoke, the representative of the Anglican Communion to the United Nations, Helen Wandusa spoke about the wonderful work that has been done, but also reminded us of the long road still have to go in just meeting the basic needs of many women around the world. We spent the afternoon in plenary session voting on By-Laws and listening to reports of the Nominating Committee, Resolutions Committee and President's message.

The meditations and sermons of the Rev. Dr. Ellen Sloan, ECW Chaplain, are being posted on the national ECW website. There is an ECW section in the Daily Episcopal Life that is being distributed here daily. It can be accessed at

The honored woman ceremony took place Friday afternoon with Bishop Baxter and I escorting our own Barbara Brinton through the ceremony. It was a thrill to honor her. The official Youth Presence also addressed the ECW. They were very well spoken and full of hope for our church. UTO sharing dinner takes place this evening.

I am able to access email here if anyone would like to ask questions or has any comments. My address is

Have a fabulous day and blessings!

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