Monday, July 28, 2008

Bishop Baxter at Lambeth - July 25

Editor's note:

We are sharing Bishop Baxter's Lambeth Journal for those who may be interested in reading it.

Dear Friends in Christ,
It is Friday the 25th and we are ten days into the conference. Each day begins with a small group bible study which is intense and caring. It seems that this is the case in most of the groups. In my group is the Bishop of Bangladesh. He remembers fondly the days of Companion Diocesan life with Central Pennsylvania. When I mentioned Bishop McNutt, he beamed.

In my Indaba group, which gathers together five bible study groups to discuss critical aspects of "being a bishop", I am blessed to have Bishop Bird of San Paulo. It has also been good for Mary Ellen and me to have occasions to share occasionally outside of the formal settings.

The hard issues of sexuality, scriptural interpretation and authority, the Windsor Report, and the Covenant are being discussed in both the Indaba Groups and in hearings convened by the Continuing Windsor Committee and the Covenant Design Group. There are also short self-select classes during the week by theologians to help us understand and better discuss the deeper theological, biblical and ecclesiastical principles which can enable our discussions. In the last several days the conversations have been increasingly frank, passionate and tough but respectful. I believe that this can be the most important outcome of the conference--coming to know one another. This includes the non-sexuality issues of the challenges of mission and stories faith, some of which are very difficult and courageous. This deepens our respect for those who may strongly disagree with the actions of the Episcopal Church. Conversely, others learning of ministry and mission may help them see the love of Christ in us. I know that we will leave disagreeing on some of the critical issues. But I pray that we will leave saying I disagree with "my brother." Clearly, the conference and our conversations over these days have been about more than sexuality. Great friendships are forming and we are all learning about spiritual leadership (evangelism, social justice and mission).

Thursday (24th) was "London Day." WHAT A DAY!!! All the bishops and their spouses and the conference staff and volunteers were bused to London. Beginning at Parliament Square all 2,000 of us, bearing posters, signs and umbrellas with the Micah Theme, marched to Lambeth Palace for a rally supporting the MDG. We were joined by ecumenical and interfaith representatives of the UK, and members of Parliament. The speaker was Prime Minister Brown. He gave an incredibly inspiring speech and charge to press our Governments and UN Ambassadors to release the funds and resources to accomplish the Goals by 2015. We are now falling behind the endeavor as Governments are not fulfilling their pledges. The march and the rally were a great witness and showed that the Communion is united on God's mission for a new world.

After lunch at Lambeth Palace we were bussed to Buckingham Palace for Tea with the Queen. It was an incredible afternoon in the garden of the palace with the Queen and Prince. A few bishops were selected to greet the Queen and the Prince, others of us were fortunate to glimpse her as they passed gracefully among us. However, the Prince glimpsed Mary Ellen's hat and came over to greet her and then asked about the "poverty bible" I was carrying. After glancing through it for a moment he said with a smile that I should be sure to read it. We were surprised and delighted, as again Mary Ellen's presence afforded me opportunities I did not deserve!

Continue the Conference in your prayers. A spirit of community is emerging. Good things are happening. The pilgrimage is uncertain but God is present.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Bishop Baxter at Lambeth - July 20

Editor's note:

We are sharing Bishop Baxter's Lambeth Journal for those who may be interested in reading it.

July 20, 2008

Dear Friends in Christ,

Today was the formal opening Eucharist of the Lambeth Conference. I can't express how magnificent it was to see approximately 670 bishop--conservatives, moderates and progressives, processing side by side into the Canterbury Cathedral, the ancient seat of St. Augustine and Anglicanism. Representatives from about 75 denominations were present and processed. The worship represented the great cultural, racial, and linguistic diversity of the Communion. The musical setting of the liturgy was Congolese mass performed by the men and boys choir of Canterbury Cathedral. The petitions of the Prayers of the People were in Hindi, Portuguese, Japanese and French with English subtext and responses. The Gospel procession lead by Melanesian dancers and singers bearing the Gospel on a ceremonial ark built like a canoe. The Archbishop Sursum Corda in Congolese and English.

Perhaps one of the most poignant moments of the liturgy was the sermon by the Bishop of Colombo, Sri Lanka. As the Archbishop had done earlier, he mentioned the sadness we all feel in the absence of the several protesting Provinces (about 200+ Bishops). Bp de Chickera shared that "we are a wounded community...a crisis that can't be resolved instantly." But he said that absence undermines unity. Then citing the Gospel (Matthew 13, "If we uproot the unrighteous, then none of us will remain....I suggest that we stay together and grow from our common heritage, regardless of our differences." Finally, he reminded progressives that self-examination and discipline for the sake of the communion is an obligation which must be taken more seriously.

This evening all the bishops were gathered to review the agenda for the conference. This included:

Daily small group discussion based on scripture but addressing the issues of division;

Indaba Groups 2-3 times weekly (this is the combining 7-8 small groups for a broader
conversation. It is a method used in Zulu villages when there is a crisis to insure that all are heard by a larger portion of the community. It is principally for listening, counsel and advice but not decision making.)

Optional learning sessions to better understand specific aspects of controversy either with scholars or invited guest who represent a particular view.

We were also advised that the Covenant Process and the Continuing Windsor
Report Process will be a major part of our work. However, it was emphasized that Conference is not a context for decision making or editing, rather a time for education, discussion and advising. Decisions will be made after individual provinces (e.g. The Episcopal Church)and their bishops have had a year of review and offer their opinions and views.

Well, it promises to be an intense but meaningful conference. My prayer is that we will come to a place to recognize the treasure we have as a communion is from God and that God's way forward for us may be beyond our wildest hopes or fear.

Peace in Christ,
a Lambeth Pilgrim

Bishop Baxter at Lambeth - July 16

Editor's note:

We are reprinting Bishop Baxter's Lambeth Journal for those who may be interested in it.

July 16, 2008

Dear Friends in Christ,

Mary Ellen and I are experiencing our second official day of the Decennial Lambeth Conference, being held at Kent University in Cambridge, England. I say official because we have been here for four days arriving on the 14th.

There are two simultaneous conference at Lambeth: the Bishops' Conference led by the Archbishop of Canterbury; and the Bishops Spouses' Conference led by the Archbishop's wife, Dr. Jane Williams. Spouses have intense daily bible study and conversation groups,special classes and worship (Bishops and spouses share in the daily Eucharist.) We were delighted to discover Dr. Williams chose Mary Ellen to be one of the daily group Bible study facilitators. She was initially a bit reluctant, but after the two day training session and two days of experience she is enjoying the responsibility. Her group includes persons from India, England, Australia and Canada. My group leader is a Bishop from a new diocese in Madagascar and includes New Zealand, South Africa, Pakistan and New Guinea. The Bible discussions thus far are rich, contextual and lively.

The Archbishop has designated that the first three days of the Bishops Conference be a retreat. So, rising after a 7:15 a.m. Eucharist in the big top tent (which serves a the central worship space for the conference)we board buses and go to Canterbury Cathedral for day long mediations and worship. It is impressive to see hundreds of bishops from every continent gathered in prayer, learning, and worship. The spirit is robust, and many new relationships are being formed. Archbishop Williams' meditations are in form of pastoral challenges about the ministry of being a bishop:
1. Bishop as one in whom others can see Christ;

2. Bishop as with the integrity to gather and care for all of the people of God, even those with whom he or she may be in disagreement;

3. Bishop as one grounded in the Gospel who moves among the people in various locations, constantly learning to proclaim the Gospel in the language, experience and stories unique to each community.

4. Bishop as a leader modeling communion with the diocese and other bishops, in mission, conflict resolution and witness. In Anglicanism the Christian faith of a individual, congregation or diocese is diminished when lived in isolation from the rest. Each day of the retreat ends with evensong and the voices of Canterbury Cathedral men and boys choir' echoing throughout that ancient sacred space.

The protesting absence of several major Provinces of the Communion is painfully evident.(Surprisingly, some bishops from these provinces have risk to come and participate). However, the small group and public prayers of the Conference continue to lift them up with love and concern. Nonetheless, the spirit of the Conference seems increasingly positive---both frank and respectful thus far; suggesting a desire to build deeper relationship and commitment to Communion as a basis for addressing the hard issues and common mission before us. The prayers of Episcopal and Anglican congregations around the globe is truly having effect. As St. James wrote to his congregations: "The prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective". [James 5:16]. Please continue the prayers.

Til my next diary entry, Grace and Peace in Christ.

a Lambeth Pilgrim